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Bertrand Cavalier (b.1989 France) is a pluridisciplinary artist whose work revolves around the language of space. With photography, video, drawing and sculpture, he delves into the complexities of our relationship to objectivity and subjectivity. Despite the diversity of mediums, a strong architectural influence permeates his work, suggesting tensions between rational and emotional behaviors, portraying humanity as a paradoxical entity. At the heart of Cavalier's artistic thinking, lies the atmosphere of the physical sensation, highlighting our capacity to communicate feelings and ideas beyond mere facts.

Cavalier has released publications with Fw:Books (2020) and Spector Books (2024). His exhibitions include showcases at FOMU Antwerp, Photoforum Pasquart Biel, The Biennale de l’Image Possible/BIP and FRAC Orléans. He received the Sébastien van der Straten fund award (2019) and completed residencies at Artwell Amsterdam (2021) and Cité Internationale des Arts Paris (2023). His work has been featured in publications such as Art Press, l’Art Même, Mouvement, and C4 Journal.